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General Election ballots begin arriving in mailboxes

Chelan County ballot drop box. Photo courtesy: Lake Chelan Now.

You should be seeing your 2024 General Election ballot in your mailbox.

Chelan County Auditor Skip Moore says once you return your completed ballot by mail or through a drop-box, your votes are kept secure until ballots are tabulated the night of November 5.

"Every time we move ballots from drop boxes to the county there are two person teams involved to assure integrity," said Moore. "The ballots are in sealed containers; we open the drop box, place the ballots in a container, seal the container and transport it back (to the county)."

"The ballots go straight into our ballot processing center, which is electronically controlled with electronic key access to only my staff," Moore added. "That's where the ballots stay until we certify the election."

Moore also shared, "Everything that is conducted is inside the sealed room, but there is glass and the public is welcome to view it (ballot processing) at any time."

You can still register to vote online or through the mail by October 28th. In-person registration can be done through 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Find your local, district and statewide election results on the KOZI local news webpage or on the Chelan County Auditor Election website.


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