Chelan County Commissioners received an update Tuesday on property code enforcement activity.
Accumulating just about anywhere, everything from vehicle hulks to trash, can be unsightly in suburban neighborhoods and on rural properties, and can initiate a complaint.
Who are you going to call? Chelan County Code Enforcement officers.
"Any complaints, that come in we investigate it, and then we'll open up a case if it's a valid violation (of land use code)," said Code Enforcement Deputy Bruce Anderson on the Chelan County Sheriff's podcast 'A badge and a mic'. You'll have a choice to remove it or try to get a permit to have it where it's at."
"On Short term rentals we get complaints that we handle on a daily basis," Anderson added. "There's a few places that don't have permits so we'll send them a notice and order and advise them that they need to cease all rental operations until you get a permit."
"We do everything we can to get you into compliance before we do the next steps," Anderson added when speaking of alleged violators of county property code. "We'll give you adequate time, but if you choose not to clean it up then the next step would be a notice and order and you're subject to be fined."
Code Enforcement Officers work for the Chelan County Sheriff's Office and serve all civil and criminal documents for the county courts.