A special school election is February 11. Registered voters will receive their ballots soon as they was mailed by the Chelan County Auditor on Tuesday.
Manson School Superintendent Tabatha Mires says both levies on the ballot are not new, but are requests to continue the tax authority to pay for education programs and operating costs, and for capital needs, "To upgrade and maintain our existing and aging facilities here at the district for technology needs and for safety and security updates to keep out students and staff safe."
"Some of the infrastructure; the plumbing, the lighting, some of the roofing, we have buildings that need replacement," said Mires. "The capital levy will help us to maintain these buildings for our students and staff to learn, to access safely . Over the past year we've had to have our basement closed in order to not utilize that space until we could remediate a water problem. without emergency funding we wouldn't have been able to made to make those kinds of repairs."
The Capital, Safety, Security, Technology and Facilities Levy will provide the district for an estimated $1 million annually for three years.
The Education, Programs and Operating Levy is for a projected $2.2 million a year over three years.
"It funds continuing the programs that are having a great impact on students here in the Manson School District," said Mires. "Not expansion, but continuing those incredible programs that we currently have in place here at Manson.
Both requests to voters are to continue levies that are expiring this year.
"Our expiring replacement capital levy was used to build our incredible ELC (Early Learning Center) which is now filled up with Manson's earliest learners thanks to the generosity of our voters," the Superintendent added.
Joining Manson schools, Cascade and Wenatchee School Districts also have proposal on the ballot February 11.
Additional information on Manson Schools can be found here.
Details on the special schools election can be found here.