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Manson Apple Blossom Festival Royalty chosen

2025 Manson Apple Blossom Festival Royalty, Princess Brynn Williams, left, Queen Genesis Torres, Princess Isabella Alexander. Photos courtesy: Timothy Sullivan.
2025 Manson Apple Blossom Festival Royalty, Princess Brynn Williams, left, Queen Genesis Torres, Princess Isabella Alexander. Photos courtesy: Timothy Sullivan.

A new Manson Apple Blossom Festival Queen was crowned Saturday night.


Festival organizers posted on social media, “We are thrilled to introduce this year’s Apple Blossom Queen and Princesses! We know they will represent our community with grace, leadership, and pride.”


Each of the girls vying for selection to the Royalty Court offered a speech and answered an impromptu question during a program Saturday night at Manson High School. A panel of judges, Apple Blossom Committee members and the audience assisted in selecting Queen Genesis Torres and Princesses Brynn Williams and Isabella Alexander.


A formal coronation pageant for the queen and her court will take place May 9, with the annual Manson Apple Blossom Festival parade set for May 10. The Royalty will serve as ambassadors for the festival and the greater Manson area throughout the coming year.

Queen Genesis Torres crowned Saturday, Feb. 1.
Queen Genesis Torres crowned Saturday, Feb. 1.

Princess Brynn Williams.
Princess Brynn Williams.

Princess Isabella Alexander.
Princess Isabella Alexander.


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