With Thursday’s start of the new school year at Manson Schools, all area school students are back in their classrooms. Chelan kindergarten and pre-school students start on Tuesday.
Chelan students are experiencing their third day back to school, following Tuesday’s opener.
"There's great atmosphere at all of the buildings," said Lake Chelan School District superintendent Brad Wilson. "Lots of mini assemblies going on, orientations for new kids."
The school’s chief helped celebrate Chelan High School students with their FFA entries at the Waterville Fair last week.
"They were very impressive and did very, very well," exclaimed the superintendent. "What was exciting was to see the 4-H and the grange students as well."
"A lot of young kids taking part with their livestock. This just bodes well for the future of our FFA (Future Famers of America) program that we have," Wilson said. "For people interested in agriculture it's a big deal to kids and families."
Wilson added, "We're constantly looking for those connections to industries and futures and agriculture is a big, big part of our region."
"if you're a small business owner and see where a student could benefit from learning more about your specific industry or your specific job, reach out to us," said Wilson when talking about the Chelan High School internship program and the district's School of Innovation. "All of our School of Innovation students do internships as part of their programming."
The Lake Chelan School Board learned Monday that enrollment numbers, in the face of declining numbers statewide, showed that 1,237 students are attending Chelan Schools to begin the 2024-25 school year. 289 students at Chelan Middle School, 459 at Chelan High School, and 471 at Morgen Owings Elementary School. There are 42 students attending Chelan School of Innovation and Chelan Digital Academy.