In preparation for the business of search and rescue and more as the weather warms, Chelan County Sheriff Mike Morrison is meeting with Washington State Legislators this week to gain state support for law enforcement services.
The Sheriff will be sharing a letter of support from the Chelan County Commissioners, penned Tuesday, in support of funding for the Sheriff's Air Patrol Unit.
"This is just more input from our local elected officials to get on board and help support the initiative to allow us to have more outside funding for our search and rescue operations as well as maintaining our aging fleet of aircraft," Undersheriff Dan Ozment said in urged the county commissioners to sign the letter of support to legislators.
"Sheriff Morrison works with the legislature to develop more funding avenues and assets for our helicopter programs, specifically our air support unit as well as our search and rescue operations," Ozment added. "It's no secret that Chelan County has its more than fair share of search and rescue operations conducted throughout the year. So as people come to recreate we fully love having them here and we just want to be able to sustain operations that allow us to get them out when needed."
The Sheriff is also seeking grants to support marine patrols on Lake Chelan and on other county waterways.
Additionally, Sheriff’s deputies flew to Mission Ridge Tuesday for avalanche control training.
"Quite often we will train with Mission Ridge Ski Patrol, also Stevens Pass Ski Patrol, detonating avalanche bombs and train with setting those off and mitigating any avalanche risks," Sheriff's Sgt. Rob Huddleston said on KOZI community Connection. "It's just a good refresher for ski patrol. We've responded up there multiple times with our helicopter."